On 24 August 2007 during ”Hedensted by Night” artist Asbjorn Lonvig and organist Carsten Thomsen performs an ART EVENT.
It starts shortly after sunset at 9.05 p.m. and it is ended by a firework at 11 p.m.
By means of a projector and a computer Asbjorn Lonvig shows his recent art works in size 6 x 9 meters, that is 20 x 30 feet on the top of the crystal white Hedensted Church Tower. At the same time organist Carsten Thomsen does an organ concert.
Beatles music of course.
A brand new composition af 18 Beatles tunes is done for this purpose.
This composition is done with the point of departure in Asbjorn Lonvig’s art which represent “Colorful Simplicity”.
Never before Beatles has been interpreted in this way. “Colorful Simplicity”.
The Beatles music is played very true to Beatles without any errands on the way, without that the organist focuses on showing his own the organ’s aibilities. The interpretation is light and melodic.
Very colse to the fundamental ideas of the Beatles’ music. Asbjorn Lonvig got the idea of this Art Event and the parochial church council of Hedensted Church has supported the idea financialy. The council’s intention is to signalise the roomy church, the roomy Christianity. To signalise that the church is a cultural centre on many levels.
140 art works in 7 categories are shown on the church tower:
Christ and Christianity: ”Christ”, Christ – Blue”, ”San Francesco”, ”Adam and God” inspired by Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam on the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome, “Sagrada Familia” by Gaudi etc.
New Hedensted Motifs: Interpretation of the huge metallic sculpture by the motorway (by Asbjorn Lonvig), ”The Mayor’s wife’s golf hat”, ”The TV2 antenna at Kragelund common, ”The windmill at Agersboel Manor House”, ”Agersboel Manor House”, “Hedensted Church” “The Priest’s Tie”, “The Sexton’s Mug”, “Postcard to Arnt Oda”, US Postal stamp with Hedensted Church, “Oester Snede Church”, “Sindbjerg Church”, “Williamsborg Manor House”, “Korning Church”, inspiration from Gl. Sole etc.
Motfs from the surrounding area: Vejle, Haderslev, Aarhus etc...”Vejle Inlet Bridge”, ”Niels Kjeldsen’s Helmet”, ”The Egtved Girl’s Belt”, Boerkop Watermill”, ”Hadeslev Cathedral”, ”Cafe Faust”, ”22 North Street” (Jyske Bank), ”7 North Street” (Kreditforeningen Danmark), ”Aros Aarhus Art Museum”, The City Hall Tower in Aarhus, ”Aarhus Teatre”, ”Thee Mansard House” in The Old Town in Aarhus, ”Marselisborg Palace”, ”Aahus Cathedral”, ”St. Clemens Courtyard”, ”1 Cathedral Place” (Nykredit)
Beautiful houses in the surrounding area: Churches, Palaces, Manor Houses....”Oerumgaard Manor House”, “Rohden Manor House”, “Ussinggaard Manor House”, “Loendal Manor House” etc.
Denmark: “Christiansborg Palace”, “Erich Erichsen’s Mansion” at the Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen (Den Danske Bank), “2 Guardsmen”, “The Ugly Duckling”, Post Denmark’s “Post Box”, “Tranekaer Palace”, “Koldinghus Castle Ruin” etc.
The world: ”Guggenheim?” in New York, Victorian house in San Francisco, Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay Area, Killer Wales in The Pacific Ocean, Grand Canyon seen from a helicopter, Chicago’s Gangster Past in 1920s, Canadian Maple Leaves, “Toronto Skyline”, “Thunderbird” from British Columbia, Mona from Paris, Champs Elysees in Paris, Septumus Severus Arch in Roman Forum, Rome, “Spanish Bull”, Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtnis Kirche in Berlin etc.
The Mysteri of The Orient: Is the theme of ”Hedensted by Night”...motifs from Fujiyama, Tokyo, The Wall of China, Shanghai, Mount Everest, Mediterrania etc.
As a spectator you see these motifs quietly slide across the church tower while the Beatles music is sent out from the tower windows via professional concert loudspeakers from Nordic Rentals A/S. Nordic Rentals has been fair with prices and is kind of sponser of the Art Event as well.
Here you have the Beatles music that is performed:
1) Yesterday
2) All My loving
3) A Hard Day's Night
4) Norwegian Wood
5) Blackbird
6) Eleanor Rigby
7) Penny Lane
8) With A Little Help from My Friends
9) Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
10) Leaving Home
11) A Day in the Life
12) Lady Madonna
13) All You Need is Love
14) The Fool on the Hill
15) Hey Jude
16) Let it Be
17) Imagine
18) When I'm 64 + Yesterday
There is a 5 minute brake every 40 minutes.
The organist needs some rest.
I’l show my fairy tale character in the brake: Octo-Pus the Cuttlefish, Crab-Mac-Claw the Crab, Frederic The Frog, Elias the Elephant, Farmer Jack etc.
Asbjorn Lonvig and Carsten Thomsen intend to explore the results of synergy between Asbjorn’s art and Carsten’s music in the near future. They plan more Art Events, music based on Asbjorn’s art work, a children’s song book etc.
Samples of art works shownon the church Tower:

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